This Is The 2024 Vendor List, New For 2025 Vendors Added As They Apply

(As Of 2-2-25)

All Vendors must Apply For 2025. Last Years Space Does Not Carry Over To 2025

Company Proprietor Products
Ant Gear Cindy Hoskins Ants, Yes, Ants & Supplies
480 Pythons Brian Hettinger Corn Snakes & Reptile Jewelry
Alisha Nichols Alisha Nichols Invertebrates
Alpha Omega Reptile Enclosures Bill Sanders Custom Made Animal Enclosures & Reptiles
Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital Veterinary Clinic & Hospital
Arizona Isopod & Invertebrate Ranch Chris Rouille Isopods & Invertebrates, Maybe a Python or two
Arizona Poison Control 'Arizona Poison & Drug Information Center' Cori Cantin Outreach Coordinator Information
Autumn Moon Creations Kathy Baumann Ceramics, Reptile Related (Well Not All of Them)
B & T's Excellent Reptiles Bill & Ted Any Prehistoric Reptile That Fits in a Phone Booth
Badd Reptiles Bobbie & Doug Day Various Reptiles
Balland's Tortoise Ranch Paul & Deanne Balland Tortoises
BicBugs Alex & Victoria Bic Mounted & Framed Butterflies, Moths, & Bugs; Wet Specimens; Bug Jewelry, etc..
Biodiversity Group Scott Trageser, Director Ecological Education (Not For Profit)
Black Canyon Exotics John Holmes Snakes, Turtles
Blackjack Reptiles Eric Donaldson Ball Python Morphs & More
Blue Chameleon Ventures Bill Love, Kathy Love Photography and All Sorts of Eclectic Reptile Stuff
Bug Art Design Angelia Dennis Cool Bugs Made from Beads, Crystals, Etc.
Bug Cage Company Chad & Nanette Gaines Acrylic Cages, Invertebrates, Jewelry
Bug Farts Matt Romero Bug Cages & Invertebrates
Castles For Reptiles Juan Macias / Elizabeth Miffleton Grape Wood for Terrariums
Chameleon House Ansley Scolari Chameleons & Chameleon Supplies
Cornutopia Kathy Love Corn Snakes, Tri-colored Hognose, etc.
Country Side Exotics Shay Hamper Everything But Ball Pythons!
Cross City Exotics Nikolas Sevachko Reptiles
Devil's Luck Inverts Brett Wheeler Invertebrates
Dope Reptiles Jay & Adrianna Hardwick Geckos & Ball pythons
DOR Reptiles Jack Kevorkian Decomposed Reptiles & Cages Without Ventilation
ECO GRO LLC Brendan Woltman Plants, Weird Plants, Coconut Bedding, Axolotls
Eddy's Bugs Eddy & Meline Mounted Butterfly's & Bugs & Domed Displays'
Elaine A. Powers Elaine A. Powers, Author Reptile Themed Books & Artwork
Elysium Leopard Geckos Lyndsey Becker Leopard Geckos & Isopods
Ever Evolving Exotics Lee Ingle Tucson's Locally Owned Reptile & Amphibian Shop. Specializing in Custom Enclosures, Feeders, Reptiles, Amphibians, Invertebrates, Supplies & Very Cool Poison Dart Frogs
Farland Exotics Shelli & Jeremy McFarland Ball Pythons, Tortoises, Stickers & Jewelry
Fly trap Shop Andrew Beauchamp Carnivorous Plants
Forged In Plastic Keisha Hammer Noah Murdock 3D Printed Reptiles
Forked Tongue Farms Nick Smith Snakes, Tortoises, Lizards
Frogs Direct Mike Matson Frogs, Snakes, Etc.
Gary Sipperley Reptiles (Formerly San Diego Reptile Breeders) Gary & Kit Sipperley Snakes & Memories (I bought some of my first snakes from Gary, Late '80s)
Geeky Gecko Creations Frank Cuzzolina Leopard Geckos, Accessories, Starter Kits, Plants
Gecko Sphere & Picture Rocks Hogs Dustin Gahn & Alexander Haung Gargoyle Geckos, Ball pythons, Hognose Snakes and more
Grand Canyon Reptiles Scott Potts Snakes, Lizards & Rats
Handle These Balls Peter Fulton Ball Pythons & Crested Geckos
Herps & Inverts Hi Pets Steven Gressler Colubrids & Tarantulas
Ironwood Reptiles Steve Nolan Reptiles
IV Pythons Victoria Johnston Ball Pythons
Jayz Reptiles Jay Embrey Boa Constrictors & Ball Pythons
Jessica C. Feinberg Jessica C. Feinberg Reptile, Dragon & Wildlife Art, Books, Prints
J & M Reptiles Jeff Honig Cages, Reptiles, Supplies
JFK Dragons Jim Kilker Dragons
Josh's Frogs Joshua Willard Frogs and Supplies. One of the Largest Frog Breeders In The USA
Jurassic House Exotics Carlos Martinez Reptiles
Kippy's Creations Rhonda Lindorff Reptile Sculpture Art
Kleinskrafts Gayle Klein Crochet Animals etc
Leaf & Lure Andrew Geary Carnivorous Plants
LLL Axolotls Ray Ramos Axolotls
Leopard Asylum Lyndsey Becker Geckos & Accessories
Lisa Miller Reptiles Lisa Miller Reptiles
Lizzies Leos Elizabeth Young Leopard Geckos & Reptile Themed Toys
LLL Reptile & Supply Co Loren Leigh Multiple Reptile and Amphibian Species, Supplies, Cages, Anything Reptile
Mad Lab Exotics Jessica & Cody Nowicki Crested Geckos, Hognose Snakes, Ball Pythons
Mike's Little Oasis Mike Young Carnivorous and Succulent Plants and Isopods
Millipedes and More Craig Marder Bugs, Reptiles and Catching & Handling Equipment
Molave Gecko Michael Patula Leopard Geckos
Musical Reptiles Madison & Amber Bright Geckos, Reptile art, Isopods, T-Shirts
Nick's Little Store Nick Tarr Tee-Shirts
Noel Robinson Noel Robinson Diamond Pythons & Angolan Pythons
Obwan Reptiles Obwan Kanobi Mystical Lightsaber Welding Pointy Eared Reptile-Like Beings
Old Pueblo Exotics Donald Casey Geckos, Ball Pythons, Invertebrates
Old Pueblo Miseellany Lawrence L.C. Jones Books (Venomous Animals Of The United States & Canada, Lizards of the American Southwest, etc. Signed by the author, In Person) Shirts, stickers, Bolos, Scorpions
Ophidia Creations Shannon Dougherty Reptile related Jewelry & Crafts
Ophidian Photography Mark Wolfson The Best Nature Photography That I know Of
Phoenix Herpetological Society Phoenix Herpetological Society Exotic Venomous & Non-Venomous Reptile Display (Alligators, Crocs, Cobras, Gabon Vipers, Rattlesnakes, Tree Vipers, etc), Educational Materials (Non-Profit)
Picture Rocks Hogs Randy Washington Hognose Snakes
Pikstein Lab Rachel Pikstein Reptile Research & Education
Power Puff Reptiles Bubbles, Buttercup, Blossom Mutant Reptiles With Super Intelligence, bent on destroying the world. And in 15 years, will be really Hot! (Yes, I guess this is a bit Misogynistic, but they are cartoon characters)
Predators Reptile Center Christian Kaleta Reptiles & Amphibians & Supplies
Pythonatix Alex Svoboda Ball Pythons
Quality Geckos Danielle Gnidziejko Leopard Geckos
Red Elephant Imports James Burczyk Dragons
Redridge Reptile Wes Mosher Hognose Snakes (multiple morphs), Corn snakes, Kingsnakes
Reptile Empress Madisen Paitsel Reptiles
Reptile Emporium Chad & Nanette Gaines Invertebrates, Acrylic Reptile Displays, Reptile Jewelry
Respectfully Dead Chelsea Richardson Taxidermy
Rick's Welded Works Richard Dyer Really Cool Welded Steel Artwork
Robert Pelaez Robert Pelaez Locality Rubber Boas, Gray-banded Kingsnakes & California Mountain Kingsnakes
Robert Sanders Fine Glass Sculptures Robert Sanders Very Cool Glass Sculptures of Reptiles & Various Other Animals & Stuff
Ruby Reptiles Jordan Dishon Bearded Dragon Morphs, Geckos
Scales, Fins & Feathers Josh Dunlap Ackie Monitors, Lacertes, Blue Tongue Skinks, Emerald Tree Monitors, Fire skinks, Geckos and Cages
Serpen-Sauria Enterprises Mark Wolfson, Ryan, Mia and Cathy Wolfson Mark Wolfson's Photography, Duck-Billed Platypus, Tralfamadorian Cinch Bugs, Multi-Legged Tralfamadorian Snakes, Lawyer Eating Kingsnakes (Place orders now, these go really fast) Texas ranchers that have mutated into snakes, lawyers that have under gone retrograde evolution into snakes, etc.
Sevachko Exotics LLC Kira & Nik Sevachko Crested Geckos & Hognose Snakes
Shores E'nuff Snakes Don & Sallie Shores Snakes: Kingsnakes, Rat Snakes, Milksnakes , Ball Pythons,
Snake Dancer Reptile Jewelers Mia & Cathy Wolfson Reptile Jewelry from Around the World
Snakeful Grace Jordin Machado Snakes
Southern Arizona Reptile Rescue & Education Cressi Brown Reptile Education
Southland Reptiles Alex Valdez Glass Terrariums
Spyder Collector Darren Polchow I'm Guessing Spiders
Suenos De Senora Eli Jimenez Reptile Soaps etc
The Snake House Roy & Ruth Engeldorf Womas, Ball Pythons, Hognose Snakes, Corn Snakes
Tim Burkhardt & Adam Noel Tim Burkhardt & Adam Noel Invertebrates Too Busy Collecting Bugs To Think Up A Cool Name
TL Forest Reptiles Terry Forest Snakes
Tom's Rodent Ranch Tom Breen Mice, Rats, Snakes
Top Stitch Embroidery/Top Stitch of Sonoita LLC Deana De Wolf Reptile Clothing & Fuzzy Stuffed Reptiles
Total Domination Reptiles Clifford Williams Lizards & Snakes
Truly Innovative Concepts Jeffrey Taylor Feeders, Bowls, 3D printed Reptiles
Tucson's Finest Leos Thomas Probst Leopard Geckos & Other Geckos
Tucson Herpetological Society Tucson Herpetological Society Current President: Robert Villa Educational Display (Not For Profit)
Twisted Stitches Lizz Egelhoff Crochet Reptiles
Ty Dye Exotics Ty Randall Invertebrates
Tyrannostorus Christian Kaleta Cool Dinosaur Related Stuff
Verdant Vivariums Bonnie Person Vivarium Plants & Maybe Dart Frogs
Vera's Balloons Vera Stalker Unbelievable Balloon Artist. Lungs Like a Blue Whale
White Tank Exotics Andrew Pino Various Geckos
Walter Merker DVM Walter Merker DVM Show Veterinarian Snakes